News & Insights Who’s Who Legal recognises 20...

Who’s Who Legal recognises 20 Three Crowns lawyers in its 2022 rankings

News 6th December 2021

Who’s Who Legal has recognised 20 Three Crowns lawyers in Who’s Who Legal 2022: Arbitration. The nominees, from four jurisdictions, are considered leaders in the international arbitration field.


London-based partners Constantine Partasides QC, Gaëtan Verhoosel, Carmen Martinez Lopez, and Reza Mohtashami QC have been recognised again this year for arbitration. Sources stated that Constantine “is the leading arbitration lawyer in London” and Gaëtan was described as “an all-round amazing lawyer who leaves no loose ends” and “a leader in the field”. Peers noted that Carmen “is very smart and gets into the details while keeping a strategic mindset” and Reza is “very highly regarded as counsel”.

Georgios Petrochilos QC, Todd Wetmore, and Kathryn Khamsi from the firm’s Paris office were recognised in this category with the guide noting that Georgios is “a leading light in the field of investment arbitration”, highlighting Todd as “without a doubt one of the best in the field” and “a leading name in commercial and construction matters”, and Kathryn as “an excellent and very dynamic player in the market”.

For Washington, DC, both partners were recognised with the market describing Luke Sobota as “an excellent attorney” and “a very strong practitioner in the international arbitration field” and Liz Snodgrass as “a wise and hugely knowledgeable lawyer with excellent written advocacy skills”. Counsel Simon Consedine was also ranked for the first time this year with peers noting “he is confident, sharp, and tireless”.

Scott Vesel, a partner in the Bahrain office, is described as “a thoughtful and well-regarded practitioner”.


Manish Aggarwal, a partner in the London office, was recognised as a future leader in the partners category in which he is said to be “hands down the best lawyer of his generation in London”.

Counsel Leilah Bruton and Hamid Abdulkareem of the London office, Ilija Mitrev Penushliski of the Paris office, and Agustin G. Sanz of the Washington, DC office were ranked as future leaders. The guide highlighted that Leilah “has outstanding leadership skills and is a pleasure to work with” and Hamid is “an excellent and incredibly hard-working attorney who has established himself as the go-to for arbitration in his region”. Commentators noted that Ilija has “an absolutely brilliant legal mind” and referred to Agustin as “an exceptional lawyer, clients love his pragmatic and business-oriented approach”.

The firm’s Managing Director and General Counsel, Hugh Carlson, was described as “an excellent lawyer with a deep understanding of international disputes”.

Senior associates Farouk El-Hosseny and Nicola Peart, based in the London and Washington, DC offices respectively, were both ranked for the first time this year. Sources emphasised that Farouk is “a brilliant lawyer who combines academic chops with common sense” and recognised Nicola’s “reputation for excellence”.

Elizabeth Chan from the London office was also listed for the first time with the guide noting that Elizabeth “is able to articulate issues with ease, thinking ahead and out-of-the-box”.