Three Crowns has been listed as a “significant player” by the India Business Law Journal (IBLJ) in its 2019 selection of the top international law firms for India-related matters. The IBLJ survey, now in its 13th year, draws on an analysis of over 600 law firms across the world, with its results based on extensive research and consultation with corporate counsel and Indian law firms.
The Three Crowns team, including a number of practitioners qualified in India, has extensive experience and expertise in handling India-related commercial and investment treaty arbitrations in various sectors, including telecommunications, energy, infrastructure, and financial services. Commenting on the firm’s India services and capabilities, the clients of the firm noted that “the quality of work and the responsiveness, is superior and among the best” and the firm is “well-equipped to handle complex and high-value, India-related disputes”.
Further details about the IBLJ survey are available at this link.
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