Jan Paulsson, a partner in the Bahrain office of Three Crowns, will be a featured panellist on “Arbitration Reform I: Unilateral Party Appointment & the Investment Court Project.” The virtual session, part of Paris Arbitration Week, will take place on Friday, 10 July, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm Paris time (GMT +2). Hosted by Laborde Law, it is the first in a two-panel series on reform in international arbitration.
Click HERE to for more details around both sessions and to register.
This panel will be divided into two segments.
The first will revisit the debate on the unilateral appointment of arbitrators. The panellists will cover recent developments in this area, including research into unconscious bias, rules on blind appointment, and recent surveys on the matter.
The second will discuss the UNCITRAL Working Group III project to overhaul the system of investor-State arbitration by creating a multilateral investment court. The discussion will include:
- Why did this project come into being?
- Is there a connection between the problem of party appointment and the investment court project?
- Does the project go too far — or perhaps not far enough?
- What are the options under consideration and the possible outcomes?
ABOUT Jan Paulsson
Paulsson has practised exclusively as an advocate and arbitrator in international cases since 1975. He is a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague and the Court of Arbitration of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). Additionally, he served as President of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), President of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), and a Vice-President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (Paris).
Paulsson is recognised as a top practitioner by all leading directories and widely regarded as one of the best arbitration lawyers in the world.
Three Crowns is a firm committed to excellence in international arbitration and international law. Founded by practice leaders with decades of experience across many different international firms, it is regarded as “one of the premier arbitration practices in the world.” Its clients—including Fortune 10 companies and sovereign states—entrust the firm with their most important disputes.
During this challenging time, the Three Crowns team across the globe is here to listen to the issues you are facing and provide advice surrounding arbitration and disputes, whether directly related to COVID-19 or otherwise. Please do not hesitate to reach out to talk through ways we can help.
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