Reza Mohtashami KC will speak at a panel on “Witness Evidence: the good, the bad and the ugly” as part of GAR Live: Abu Dhabi 2024, organised by Global Arbitration Review.

The conference will bring together arbitrators, counsel, in-house counsel and expert witnesses to explore the issues currently affecting arbitral practice, with sessions addressing topics such as witness evidence, expedited procedures, settlement and construction disputes. In this session, Reza and his fellow panellists will discuss hints and tips for when and why to introduce fact witnesses to a dispute.

The panel will take place in-person on Tuesday 30 January at the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).

To find out more and to register, click here.


Reza is a partner in the London office. He has represented clients as counsel and advocate in more than 90 arbitrations conducted under a variety of arbitration rules in many different jurisdictions. Reza has particular expertise in disputes arising in emerging markets with a focus on the telecoms, energy, and infrastructure sectors.

Reza regularly acts as arbitrator and has been appointed as party-nominated arbitrator, Chair or Sole Arbitrator in more than 20 arbitrations conducted under the ICC, LCIA, ICDR-AAA, SIAC, DIAC, DIFC-LCIA Rules.

Reza is a trustee of the Bahrain Chamber of Dispute Resolution, a member of the LCIA Court, and an editorial board member of Global Arbitration Review. He is a former Vice-Chair of the IBA Arbitration Committee, a past president of the LCIA Arab Users’ Council, a member of the LCIA Court, a trustee of the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre, and a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR.

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