OIC Agreement
Representing both States and investors in arbitrations commenced under the Agreement on Promotion, Protection and Guarantee of Investments amongst the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (the OIC Agreement). Ratified by 29 States across the Islamic world, many of whom otherwise lack international investment treaty coverage, it provides investors with important international law protections, including recourse to ad hoc international arbitration. Accessing such recourse is not straightforward, however, and requires experienced and expert counsel to ensure that the client’s interests are protected. We know how to engage with the OIC Secretariat in such cases, as well as having unique insight into how the Permanent Court of Arbitration responds to requests for designating appointing authorities in cases brought under the OIC Agreement.
Unified Agreement
Representing States in both arbitration and court proceedings commenced under the Unified Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital in the Arab States (the Unified Agreement). Ratified by 20 of the 22 members of the Arab League, it represents an important source of international law protections to Arab investors. We have unparalleled experience representing clients before the Arab Investment Court in Cairo, which is the default jurisdiction under the Unified Agreement, as well as in arbitration proceedings commenced thereunder.