Carmen Martinez Lopez, a partner in the London office of Three Crowns, will be a featured panellist on “Biases and Prejudices in International Arbitration.” The Spanish-language event, hosted by Carlos Soto & Asociados and Latin American International Arbitration, will be streamed live on Friday, 25 September, from 9:00 – 11:30 am Lima Time (GMT -5) through Zoom & Facebook Live. It is the second session of the International Arbitration Seminar “Fernando de Trazegnies Granda,” which brings together recognised international lawyers and referees in an academic environment.
Please click HERE to register for the free event.
Martinez Lopez appears regularly as advocate in numerous investment treaty and commercial arbitrations, both under the rules of the major arbitral institutions and ad hoc. Her matters involve a variety of jurisdictions, with a particular focus on Latin America and Spain.
She is recognised in all major publications, with sources describing her as “a great legal mind” and “an excellent practitioner,” who “understands problems very well in a global way.”
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