Our distinctive ethos, The 3C Way, ensures that we are offering our clients a premium service. It holds us accountable for how we approach our work and sets us apart from other law firms. We value quality over quantity and tailor our approach to our clients to achieve your goals.


We win for our clients by proving that quality of advice and advocacy, not volume of lawyer hours, is what makes the difference in complex international disputes.  This conviction is embodied in all that we do: how we compose our teams; how we lead our teams; how we argue our cases; and how we charge for our services.

We win for our clients by understanding their fundamental objectives.  Your goal is not to collect trophies for winning disputes, but to overcome and resolve them.  We are resourceful and relentless in battle, but no less creative in seeking opportunities for beneficial and practical solutions.

We win for our clients by recognising that our conduct reflects on them.  Our clients rely on us to provide an optimal combination of insight, courage, and dedication.


Critical case analysis
We strive to achieve early clarity and direction for our clients. Rigorous case analysis during the early stages enables our clients to make timely strategic decisions, and thus optimizes our own effectiveness.

Clients are part of our team. Embedding our clients in the decision-making process ensures that the lines of communication are open and there is a transparency on deliverables and reasoning to meet their expectations.

Constant attention to methodology and efficiency
Everything we do adds value, we are bidding adieu to the pyramid. Close partner direction is a defining feature of our work. More senior time explaining the purpose of a task, the structure and thrust of a draft, and the effort allocated to each workstream means less aggregate team time later on. Our highest achievers are those who can discriminate between tasks that advance a case and those that do not.

Written style
We know the power of brevity. Effective writing requires analytical insight and hard work. Prolix and unfocussed presentations make little impact on busy clients and arbitrators. Our presentations distil cases to their essence—we aim to elucidate, not inundate.

Advocacy style
Three Crowns advocates are courteously relentless and relentlessly courteous. We owe our clients a duty to fight for their cause in a manner that does not damage our reputations or relationships with those who decide our cases. We seek to overwhelm the party opposite with the sophistication of our case and the clarity of our presentation.

Ongoing mentorship
Our partners aspire to a higher level of mentorship. We add value to our clients by investing in our lawyers. The partners are therefore committed to providing regular and constructive feedback on attorney performance.

Minimising hierarchy
Fearless exchange of views. Just as our clients value the independence of our advice, we value critical internal input from all ranks in any task we undertake.

Three Crowns working flexibility
We seek to build a flexible environment that allows us to exceed our clients’ expectations. We believe that excellence comes from giving talented and motivated lawyers space to perform their work, not from thick manuals, unnecessary face time, or excessive hours. Three Crowns is committed to creating an environment that attracts and retains a diverse array of talented attorneys.

Three Crowns R&D
Our birth was an innovation, and innovation must remain its essence. Yesterday’s discovery is today’s staple, and tomorrow’s discard. In order to remain at the cutting edge of legal practice, Three Crowns commits to identifying and implementing innovation as an essential part of what we do on an ongoing basis